The Sunflower Adventure is all about planting the seeds of Guiding out in the community. It’s a chance for Guide Units to go out in their local area and do some good. It’s also a lovely way to bring the possibilities of Guiding to more girls. All the Guides who take part in the Adventure will earn a Sunflower Adventure badge, which will only be available in 2018.
Girl Guides can have all sorts of new experiences through the Sunflower Adventure. It all depends on what fires up the girls’ imaginations, and what resources are available in the local area. Guides might like to hold a sleepover party and each invite a friend from outside Guiding to show them what it’s all about. They might get creative and draw some cool chalk artworks on public pavement for the community. They might make a YouTube video to teach people why Guiding matters to them.
The Sunflower Adventure will be the first Guiding program with a tailored media release template. This resource will help Leaders promote their Unit’s Sunflower Adventure in the community.
Leaders can also share their Sunflower resources and ideas in the Girl Guides Victoria Private Facebook Group, which has over 950 members from the local Guiding community. GGV will post all the latest information about the Sunflower Adventure on social media, so stay tuned for more.
So how do you start the adventure for your Guides? If your Unit took part in the Sunflower Challenge in the last few years, you don’t need to re-register to complete the Sunflower Adventure. If your Unit didn’t take part in the Sunflower Challenge, register here to get them involved in the new Sunflower Adventure.
Let the adventures begin!