Girl Led Workshop – Southern Region 2018

So you’ve heard about this thing called Girl Led and are curious to find out what it’s all about. Fantastic! At Girl Guides Victoria we have been taking a new look at what Girl Guides means to today’s girl, we have asked girls the question.

What we heard was that girls love the girls’ only space with the freedom to be curious and clever, exploring a wide range of possibilities available to them. Girls enjoy a fluid environment that meets their needs. There is more than one way to be a girl and girls want to be whoever they want to be depending on how they feel at any given time. So if they want to paint their nails and go rock-climbing, fantastic! The key here is freedom, the opportunity to take the lead of life’s discovery process. Girl Led is the mechanism that allows that to happen.

So Girl Guides Victoria partnered with Gowrie Victoria (leaders in Early Childhood Education and learning), incorporating the latest WAGGGS Learner Led teachings and developed the Girl Led Workshop. The outcome is a range of tools and activities that enable Leaders to provide a more open and flexible environment where girls have the richest Guiding experience with the girl front and centre.

Registrations closed

Registrations close at 11.59pm on Tuesday 19 June

When: Saturday 23 June 2018
Where: Noble Park Guide Hall
Who: Adult and Associate members of Guiding (including Leaders, Managers, and Unit Helpers)

Please direct any questions via email.

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