State Team Report 27 July 2018

There has been much to celebrate across the state this month!

On Saturday 30 June Guides from across the state were awarded their BP Award at our state ceremony. The BP award is a peak achievement award which requires Guides to take on two challenges in each category: Promise and Law, Service, Guiding Traditions, Outdoors, World Guiding, and Patrol System (team work). It was terrific to hear about the fantastic adventures had and new skills learned while working towards their awards. If you are interested in working on an award have a chat to your Guide Leader. More information can be found in the Aim High book.

Underwater Magic was the theme of this year’s Snoozerella with Guides aged 5-9 making a splash at their sleepover at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre! Our State Events offer Guides opportunities to courageously step outside their comfort zone, connect with new people, and develop independence in a supported environment. Thank you to our team of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers who put together this terrific event for our Guides and their Leaders.

We have also attended two award ceremonies at Knoxfield, celebrating one Maddy’s JBP and the other Maddy’s BP award. Keep the invites rolling in, as we love to hear about the exciting activities and challenges taken on by Guides and their Units across the state… and we’re not afraid to travel to join you!

Coming up next month is the Sunflower Adventure, an initiative to encourage Guides undertaking the Sunflower Challenge to think outside the box, try something they’ve never done before, and learn some media skills to share their story with others. We look forward to connecting with Units on the weekend of the 18-19 August at the Sunflower Sleepover. If you’d like to get involved, please email us at


Lynne, Star, Mandy, and Sam

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