Urafiki 2018

Get together with your Olave friends for Urafiki!


Download the Event Flyer! Download the Event Information Booklet!

It’s that time of year again where we get together for Urafiki, Olave Victoria’s camp for members of Girl Guides Victoria aged 18-29. Speed down the water slides at Adventure Park or learn some art with a local artist, and have a sleepover with your Olave sisters.

To make Urafiki work for as many people as possible, Olaves can choose to attend…

  • A Saturday day-time activity which will either tap into your sense of ADVENTURE, or give you an opportunity to engage in some SELF DEVELOPMENT
  • A Saturday night sleepover with your Olave COMMUNITY
  • Or BOTH!

Registrations closed – more information

Registrations close at 11.59pm on Monday 19 November.

When: Friday 24 – Sunday 25 November 2018
Where: Highton Guide Hall (Geelong)
Who: Olaves and other members of GGV aged 18-29

Activity only: $50
Activity + sleepover: $65
Sleepover only: $20

Any questions? Send an email to the Olave Committee.

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