Learning & Development Team Update March 2019

New National Leadership Passport


We are excited to announce that the new shortened Passport that was piloted in 2018 has been adopted Australia wide with a few adjustments.

Please ensure that all new Leaders beginning their leadership qualification are working from the new National Passport. This could mean that in Victoria for the remainder of this year, there will be new leaders working from 3 different Passports. We apologise for any inconvenience/confusion this may cause. Please email Margaret Brooks (mbrooks@guidesvic.org.au) should you have any queries about these changes, or how to use the Passport.


New blended learning approach to Leadership Qualification Training


We are currently working towards a new format of face-to-face training Australia wide that will be supported by a number of online modules. Whilst currently not all modules are available online, we have managed to condense the current training into a one day face-to-face supported by Being Safe (Risk Management) online training.


Learning Partners


Now that the new National Passport has been adopted, it is imperative that all Learning Partners are up to date. As with Outdoor Skills Assessors, Learning Partner appointments need to be reviewed every three years. Please book in to an update as soon as possible where we will explain the new blended learning approach to our new Leadership Qualification Training, the streamlined process for on-boarding new volunteers, and the process to be followed for new Leaders to become qualified in a timely manner. Region and District Managers are welcome to attend these updates.

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