Nikki Van Dijk is an Australian world surfing champion. She participates in the World Surf League and is one of four global JEEP ambassadors. In 2019, the JEEP ambassador program commenced a new social initiative: “Make A Wave”. Each of the four athletes partnered with unique organisations to donate their time and resources to help make a difference in their communities.
Nikki chose Girl Guides Australia, and highlighted that our mission to empower girls and young women resonated strongly with her journey as a female sportsperson.
Working in consultation with Girl Guides Australia, the World Surf League and JEEP chose to film Nikki’s “MakeAWave” initiative on the beaches of Newcastle in NSW.
In March Nikki partnered with Girl Guides from Cessnock District Guides for a fun filled adventure of high energy and enthusiasm, practicing leadership and experiencing teamwork and friendship in the great outdoors.
Watch Girl Guides and Nikki Van Dijk as they “Make a Wave”…