STEM Like a Girl!

Are you a Girl Guide aged 7-12? Are you curious about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths)? STEM Camp is for you!


Download the Event Flyer! Download the Information Booklet and Kit List!

STEM Like a Girl is a two-night indoor camp for Guides aged 7-12 years with an interest in science and technology. Camp will be packed full of experimenting, fun, and new experiences. The camp is designed to give Guides an opportunity to try out a range of science and technology activities in an informal learning environment.

This camp is partially funded by a STEM Grant awarded to Girl Guides Victoria by the Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science (Federal Government) to encourage girls’ participation in STEM education.


Registrations now closed – more information

Registrations close at 11.59 pm on Monday 27 May.

When: Friday 14-Sunday 16 June
Where: Mittagong Campsite, Lara
Who: Girl Guides aged 7-12

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