World Thinking Day 2020

As a global Movement with 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 150 countries – all with diverse backgrounds and experiences, World Thinking Day 2020 celebrates this diversity in our Movement.


Download the 2020 Resource Pack!

Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship. It is an opportunity to speak out on issues that affect young women and fundraise for 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 150 countries.

Using threads to represent the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the pack this year, ‘Living Threads’ is designed to inspire you to reflect on how you can put equity and inclusion into practice, and celebrate the diversity in your communities and beyond. So let’s play Living Threads!

There are lots of ways to get involved in Thinking Day. You can…

More information about World Thinking Day 2019 is on the WAGGGS website.

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