Girl Guides Victoria Executive Sub-committees

Looking for another way to support our Guides to reach their potential? Interested in governance and policy?

The Executive Committee is the governing body of Girl Guides Victoria and its role is to set the strategic direction, develop policy and oversee the management of the affairs of Girl Guides Victoria.

The GGV Executive Committee are currently seeking volunteers to sit on the following Executive Sub-committees:

  • Adult experience: Oversee and advise on the experience of Leaders and volunteers, and their recruitment and retention.
  • Girls’ Experience: Oversee and advise on the experiences of girls in GGV, and the GGV Child Safe Framework
  • Finance, Audit, and Risk: Oversee, monitor, and advise on the financial, audit, and risk funstions of GGV.
  • Property: Oversee strategies and policies related to the financial and resource management of all Guiding properties, including leased properties.

To apply, please submit a short expression of interest outlining your skills and motivation for volunteering on a Girl Guides Victoria Executive Sub-committee. Applications close Sunday 1 December 2019.

For the terms of reference, enquiries and to apply, please contact Holly Bracken, Deputy Chair at

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