2019-2020 Australian Bushfire Crisis

Across Australia we are in shock and are deeply saddened by the severity, speed and impact of the bushfires that have swept across our beautiful country.

The tragedy of lives lost; the destruction of homes, communities, and businesses; and the ravaging of our farms, national parks and wildlife is beyond belief. We are in awe of the commitment and courage of our volunteers and emergency services personnel who continue to give so willingly to fight the fires, protect life and property and comfort those who have lost so much.

Australians are well known for their generosity of spirit and the offers of support have and continue to be inspiring. Guides across Australia and around the world have opened their hearts and are very generously looking for ways to support.

In local communities Girl Guides have and continue to respond in various ways including opening Guide properties to provide a place of refuge for those evacuated from fire zones; collecting and packing water, food, clothes, bedding and supplies for those in need; preparing care packs for firefighters; and making animal wraps.

It has been heartening to have supported some koalas to find a new home in some gum trees on Douglas Scrub, a Girl Guide property in South Australia. In the wider community many have been making donations and providing financial support.


By Donation

The extent of the disaster is ongoing, and the recovery period expected to be years not months. The clear direction being provided by support agencies is that the most beneficial support is through financial donations.

We are pleased to advise that we have set up an Emergency Relief Fund accepting donations specifically to support Guides in and around the impacted communities as well as fund Guiding programs to support communities to rebuild. All donations from within Australia over $2 are tax deductible.

Donations can be made by direct deposit to:

  • SWIFT Code: WPACAU25
  • Account Name: Girl Guides Australia
  • BSB: 032 023
  • Account Number: 429826

For bank transfers please include your surname or Unit name and location in the payment description. For domestic donors please email admin@girlguides.org.au with your contact details so that we send you a tax receipt for your donation.

By Purchasing a Girl Guides Australia Bushfire Crisis Badge

A special Girl Guides Australia badge has been designed so Girl Guides can proudly show they supported those impacted by the bushfires.

All profits from the badge will go to the Girl Guides Australia Emergency Relief Fund.

The badge will be available for sale through state Girl Guide retail outlets in February 2020.


By Supporting the Relief Effort

The bushfire crisis is not over. New fires will continue to impact communities in the weeks and months ahead. Guiding members are encouraged to continue to support the relief effort in your communities and surrounding areas.

I look forward to hearing stories of how Girl Guides have acted to make a difference in their world and care for others.

With every best wish,

Yours in Guiding,

Rosemary Derwin
Chief Commissioner

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