Looking for another way to support Girl Guides to reach their potential?
We are seeking nominations for a Learning and Development (L&D) Manager for Girl Guides South Australia (SA), Tasmania (Tas), and Victoria (Vic) to serve for a for a three-year term.
The key purpose of the L&D Manager is the effective management and leadership of the L&D team across SA, Tas, and Vic.
The role will see you building and shaping a cohesive and productive team to deliver the L&D program. The program will provide growth and development opportunities to adult Leaders and Managers to deliver a high quality Australian Guide Program (AGP) in a safe environment.
The role may include travelling interstate for management meetings, and will see you attending and reporting back to State level management meetings on the progress of the L&D space.
You will be expected to stay up to date with all relevant information, communications, and policies from both Girl Guides Australia (GGA) and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS); and to work collaboratively with other management within the organisation such as Program and Outdoors.
Please see the full position description here.
If you are interested in this role, send a summary of how you meet the selection criteria to Emma (sc@girlguidessa.org.au), Jo (sc@guidestas.org.au), and Janelle (volunteer@guidesvic.org.au) by Friday 29 May.
Suitable applicants will then be contacted for an interview. It is expected the successful applicant will begin in mid-June 2020.
If you have further questions please contact your State Commissioner.