In preparing the below Frequently Asked Questions, we have reviewed Victorian State Government guidelines and recommendations and consulted with experts both internally and externally. The safety of our Youth and Adult Members and the wider community is at the forefront of all decisions.
We encourage all Girl Guide members to conduct their Girl Guide activities in the spirit of the Guide Promise and Law to serve our community and be respectful and considerate, while also being optimistic and courageous.
If your question isn’t answered here please email it to the Joyce Price Centre (JPC) team via
The below FAQs were updated on 13 October 2022.
Current COVID Guidance and FAQs for Girl Guiding across Victoria
The Victorian Government Pandemic Declaration and associated Pandemic Orders ended at 11:59pm on 12 October 2022.
Girl Guides Victoria will continue to implement strong COVID Safe measures to ensure that we provide a safe environment for our Guide members, volunteers, staff, contractors and their families.
Positive COVID-19 Cases
Based on advice from the Department of Health, it is strongly recommended that Guides and all Adults in Guiding:
- who test positive to COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for five (5) days;
- should not attend their Guide Unit or Guiding events after five (5) days if still symptomatic;
- who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend their Guide Unit or Guiding events (unless symptomatic from a known, pre-existing health condition).
The Department of Health also recommends that all Victorians should report their positive Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result on the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form available on the Coronavirus Victoria website as soon as possible or by calling 1800 675 398.
We ask Guides, parents/guardians, adult members, volunteers and staff to continue to remain vigilant in preventing COVID-19 transmission. Anyone who is unwell should continue to remain at home to help in reducing the spread of both COVID-19 and other illnesses.
Parents, guardians and carers of Guides who are unwell, including displaying symptoms of COVID-19, will be contacted to seek medical advice and may be required to collect their Guide from their Unit or Guiding event and asked to keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic.
Parents/guardians and adult members are requested to inform their Unit Leader or the Leader in Charge if they have tested positive to COVID and have been at their Guide Unit or a Guiding event.
COVID Contacts
COVID-19 contacts are permitted to attend Guiding and Guide events but are strongly recommended to undertake regular testing, follow protective behaviours like wearing a mask, and monitor for symptoms, in line with the Victorian Government’s Checklist for COVID Contacts.
Face Masks
Face masks are no longer required to be worn but continue to be recommended by the Department of Health in certain settings, such as if you have recently tested positive or are a close contact, are caring for someone with COVID-19, have any COVID-19 symptoms or may be vulnerable to COVID-19. Any member of the Guiding community who wears a face mask will be supported to do so.
Activities, Sleepovers, Camps and Overnight Events
Adventure activities, sleepovers, camps and other overnight events may take place in accordance with standard GGV and GGA policies. COVID Safety Plans must still be implemented by Leaders for all activities. The plan template can be downloaded here.
All participants attending an overnight event (such as a camp or sleepover at a hall) are requested to self-screen for COVID-19 using a RAT within 24 hours before the event starts but will no longer be required to complete a pre-event screening form.
Helpful resources:
- COVID Safety Plan (30 June 2022)
- Staying Safe information from the Victorian Government
- Ventilation and air flow resources from the Victorian Government
- Creating COVID-aware Girl Guide Experiences program resource for Leaders and Volunteers
- COVID-19 infection control training from the Federal Government Department of Health
Posters to display at your Guide Hall or meeting venue:
- Social Distancing poster (black and white)
- Hand Washing poster from the World Health Organisation
This webpage and associated FAQs are regularly updated to provide the latest Girl Guides Victoria guidance on current COVID-19 restrictions and requirements. Please check this page regularly for any updates.