Check out these resources from our Inclusion and Diversity Manager to support Girl Guides Victoria Leaders and Volunteers make Girl Guides accessible to all!
‘Including All’ from Girlguiding UK
Helpful resources on inclusion and diversity from Girlguiding UK including:
- Including disabled members
- Religious differences and Guiding
- Lesbian, gay, and bisexual members
- Taking about race and racism
Guidelines for Inclusive Language
“Language is our main form of communication and it plays a powerful role both in contributing to and in eliminating discrimination.”
This Tasmanian Department of Education resource outlines good practice for inclusive language, including guidelines for language relating to:
- Culture, race, and ethnicity
- Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Disability
‘Guidelines to Achieving Inclusivity’ from Girl Guides Canada
A brief introduction for Leaders and Volunteers to help you consider your current Guiding traditions and practices as you move towards active inclusion for activities, events, and camping opportunities. It includes dot points to help you consider three inclusivity assurance questions:
- What is the purpose of this activity?
- Who will be included and who might not be able to participate?
- What can I add, remove or change to ensure everyone can participate in a meaningful way?
‘Share Our Pride’
“This website will give you a glimpse of how life looks from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective. Share our Pride is designed to take you on an awareness-raising journey… It works through material in a certain order so each chapter builds on the last. You’ll get a taste of traditional cultures and learn about our shared history.”
‘Stand Out’ from Minus18
“Stand Out is one of Minus18’s most popular written resources. Created with a student audience in mind, Stand Out focuses on inspiring and creating student-led LGBTQIA+ inclusion, with sections dedicated to challenging homophobia and transphobia, forming a Stand Out group, changing language, and the importance of friends and supporters.”
Amaze is the peak body for autistic people and their supporters in Victoria. Their website has many resources to support autistic people and promote understanding, acceptance, and inclusion.
Want more resources on autism? Check out:
- Do One Thing For Autism: Test your knowledge of autism, discover what autistic people want you to know, and learn one thing you can do to support autistic people.
- Autism Connect: Australia’s first national autism helpline.
You can contact our Inclusion and Diversity Managers by emailing Tara Hicks or Mandy Humphries.
More resources will be added later, so keep an eye on on QuickLinks and check back in next fortnight!