Countdown to Australian Girl Guide Jamboree 2025: Meet our State Contingent Leader!

Girl Guides Victoria is thrilled to introduce Louise Pennington as the Victorian Contingent Leader for the Bush 2 Beach Australian Jamboree 2025! With nearly a lifetime of Guiding experience, Lou is ready and raring to lead our team to Murwillumbah Showground in NSW from 28 September to 5 October for an unforgettable adventure.

Here are some words that Lou wanted to share with GGV members ahead of Jamboree:

“Hi Guiding community, I’m Lou and I’m your Victorian Contingent Leader for the Australian Jamboree 2025! I Guide in Southern Region where I am an Olave, and lead with a Ranger Unit and a couple of Junior Units.

I’ve been in Guiding for most of my life and would have to say that Jamborees are a brilliant amount of fun, especially meeting people from all over Australia. I can’t wait to lead our Contingent up to NSW next September/October, and to be a part of creating a brilliant experience and lasting memories!

Girls – keep your eye out for fun updates from our NSW team;

Leaders – expressions of interest are constantly coming up for positions during camp!

We know those questions are going to come up as we get closer to Jamboree, so we’ve got a space for you to send them to:

Looking forward to hearing the excitement start to increase as we get closer!”

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity—register today and be part of the excitement as we countdown to Jamboree 2025!

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