Girl Guides Victoria Youth Forum

Girl Guides Victoria’s Youth Forum gives Girl Guides aged 10-18 the opportunity to build skills, make connections, and access opportunities… all while learning how to be advocates for issues they’re passionate about.

Our 2020/21 delegate group have worked hard to create four Advocacy Action Plans on four different projects:

  1. Environment: with a focus on setting up an environment committee and working towards zero-waste Guiding programs
  2. Gender Equality: aiming to challenge deeply engrained gender stereotypes through social media & posters
  3. Inclusion & Diversity: including an I&D badge focusing on cultural diversity, disability, mental health, and LQBTQIA+ issues
  4. Guiding: with a focus on setting up a Youth Committee to provide feedback to the State Patrol and providing more opportunities to involve members aged 14-17

The Advocacy Action Plans outline actions and goals that these passionate and dedicated young women plan to make to take steps towards the future they want to create for fellow Guiding members and their wider communities. 

Want to know more? Reach out to the team at

Hear from three current Youth Delegates about what it’s been like being involved in the Youth Forum: