‘Look Wider! And when you are looking wider, look wider still’. Lord Robert Baden-Powell
Have you looked a little wider on your Guiding world lately? Have you tried something new? Have you stepped outside your comfort zone? Have you supported and encouraged girls to challenge themselves?
There have been many award presentations held around Australia recently for both youth and adult members. These presentations have been held at Annual General meetings, at special Guiding gatherings, and at our State Government Houses. The awards have celebrated commitment and good service to Girl Guiding and many of the awards have been to our youth and adult members who have looked wide, set themselves a goal, embarked on a journey to complete a series of challenges, and achieved their goal. If you have received one of those awards – CONGRATULATIONS and BRAVO.
Have you ever experienced the fun of a Gang Show? I think it must be Gang Show season with the curtain about to open for many Gang Shows around Australia and others that are in final stages of rehearsal. Gang Show allows Guides to join with Scouts to perform on stage and explore the performing arts while developing life skills including confidence, teamwork, and resilience while having great fun. If you have not seen a Gang Show, look wide, there might be a Gang Show near you and you could join with a group of Guides to attend a performance.
The options within Girl Guiding are endless. What is your next challenge in Girl Guiding?
Some updates from Girl Guiding in Australia:
Members of the leadership of Girl Guiding in Australia came together in Sydney at the beginning of this month to review, discuss, and plan for the future. There is such a wealth of knowledge and experience in this group providing strength to the future of Guiding. They also attended the Girl Guides Australia Annual General Meeting where the 2018 Annual Report was presented. A copy of the report will be available on the Girl Guides Australia website.
The merger of Girl Guides Northern Territory with Girl Guides NSW&ACT is nearing completion with all legal requirements complete. Girl Guides NSW&ACT is now progressing the administrative and leadership changes with a view to complete by 2019 Quarter 3. We look forward to the new entity Girl Guides NSW&ACT&NT.
As a result of the tragic events in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, the Asia Pacific Conference has been re-located to Taiwan. The conference will now be held on 11-17 August. Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association will still play a role in the conference as co-hosts with Girl Scouts of Taiwan. The Girl Guides Australia delegation to the Conference are busy preparing for the conference.
Over the last five years, Girl Guides Australia have appreciated the support of Lady Cosgrove as our Patron. The Leadership team of Girl Guides Australia visited Admiralty House in Sydney to thank Lady Cosgrove and wish her well in the future.
Both Girl Guides South Australia and Girl Guides Western Australia have celebrated the achievements of State Commissioners who have completed their terms. Congratulations and thanks to Dawn Borchardt, South Australia, and Linda Elezovich, Western Australia. We welcome Emma Williams to the role of Acting State Commissioner for South Australia from 1 June and Katrina Lane to the role of State Commissioner for Western Australia from 1 July 2019.
Happy Guiding,
Rosemary Derwin
Chief Commissioner