National Report November 2019

JLS 2019 is on our doorstep! JLS has a new look for 2019 – November sees 600 young women from more than 100 countries gather in 18 different global hub locations to develop leadership skills and tackle gender barriers in their communities. #JLS2019 is WAGGGS’ largest ever event to empower young women to #LeadOutLoud.

AND – Girl Guides Australia are thrilled to be welcoming 30 international participants along with 5 facilitators to the Sydney JLS hub. Young women from Fiji, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Tanzania, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, Ireland, USA, Jamaica, and Costa Rica will join young women from Australia for an international, cross-cultural leadership development experience. Australia proudly have 18 young women attending the JLS hubs in Australia, Poland, Switzerland, Thailand, Ireland, Oman, Peru, and Madagascar.

We are very pleased to have support staff and facilitators leading the JLS program from Girl Guides Australia in the hubs in Our Chalet, Kusafiri, UK, USA, the Maldives, and Thailand.

Over the course of the week, the JLS participants will connect with each other and other global hubs to explore how they can actively tackle gender barriers to leadership whilst strengthening their personal ability to #LeadOutLoud. Each JLS participant will be challenged to create a plan to share their leadership experience with 100 girls from their local community to impart practices to build their confidence as everyday leaders. Maybe you will have the opportunity to connect with one of our JLS participants and encourage Guides from your local area to share in one of these events next year. The potential of the ripple effect from the impact of JLS in Australia is exciting.

Leadership is not limited by age or role. To further support Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (aged 11+) all around the world focus on building their leadership skills, WAGGGS have introduced the Lead Out Loud Challenge. By sharing the challenge with Guides in your Units, you are giving them the chance to take part in a WAGGGS program alongside Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world. This challenge is available to be used at any time in your Guide program to explore leadership and gender equality – and to support Guides to #LeadOutLoud.

CONGRATULATIONS to Janelle Howell (Ed: featured above with Lynne Emblin) who has been appointed as the State Commissioner for Victoria, commencing 1 February 2020. Janelle has been a member of the Girl Guides Victoria Executive, has supported Guiding in Australia as the Victorian appointed Director on the Girl Guides Australia Board, and contributed to a range of other governance activities across finance, risk, and insurance.

AND – to kick-start your Guiding program for 2020 – Girl Guides Australia is excited to introduce “Guides Connect”, a Challenge for all members which may be commenced immediately. The Guides Connect Challenge is focused on Our Home, Our Community, Our Country and Our World and encourages Guides to connect with others, to participate, support and advocate to make a difference in their world. The syllabus for “Guides Connect” is available on the GGA website. The Guides Connect badge may be worn on sashes for 2020 and will be available at State Girl Guide Shops in early 2020.


Rosemary Derwin
Chief Commissioner

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