Our Girl Guiding community is facing one of the most challenging times in our history, on par with the Great Depression and the two World Wars in its impact on our economy and sense of social connectedness, and the financial strain on families.
As Girl Guides who have promised to serve our community, and who live by the Guide Law, including making choices for a better world and living with courage and strength, Girl Guides Victoria have made an unprecedented decision to support Girl Guides and our wider community through the challenges ahead of us in 2020.
On Wednesday 1 April 2020 the Girl Guides Victoria Executive Committee made the decision to reduce the membership fee to $0 for the next 12 months. This will make it possible for all girls and women who want to be part of Girl Guides in Victoria will have the opportunity to do so regardless of their ability to pay a membership fee.
What does this mean?
- Guiding in Victoria will be free for all new and existing Adult and Youth members.
- The zero cost period begins at the start of Term 2, 2020 on 14 April 2020 and concludes at the end of Term 1, 2021 on 18 April 2021.
- This includes Unit, District, and Region fees.
- Where members are financially able to contribute to their Girl Guides Victoria membership through making a donation of the full or partial amount, it will be greatly appreciated.
- As always, any donations from the community are most welcome.
- In line with Government advice and restrictions, there will be no in-person Guiding activities during Term 2, 2020.
In line with Government advice and restrictions, there will be no in-person Guiding activities during Term 2, 2020.
For more information regarding the reduction of Girl Guide Victoria membership fee to $0 for 12 months or the continued suspension of in-person Guiding Activities for Term 2 2020, Unit Leaders and Managers should read the FAQ.
It is a great act of kindness and commitment that together we are able to make a meaningful difference to the lives of thousands of girls, women, and their families, in the many communities across Victoria.
Thank you to my four Youth Mentors, 10-year-old Abigail and Aurora from Gippsland and 15-year-old Eleanor and Abigail from Melbourne, for contributing to the decision on membership fees. They would like everyone to remember: please stay safe and stay connected.
Yours in Guiding,
Janelle Howell
State Commissioner