Today 26 May is Sorry Day.
Today marks an important day to to say ‘Sorry’; to remember all of the children removed from their families, the Mothers with empty arms and the families torn apart.
Below is some music which laments on the events that occurred and should hopefully provide context for this important day.
And now, as Guides reflect on the healing, below are some resources which should assist.
- Hear the Ngangkarri Women’s Group message of strength, resilience and healing sang for Stolen Generations, families and communities in 2020 at the Healing Foundation website.
Also important for healing:
- Timeline of Trauma and Healing in Australia
- The Stolen Generations Memorial at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan is a site of healing. It is a place for all Australians to visit, reflect, and commemorate the impact of the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.
- Reconciliation Australia – The Bringing Them Home report was as a result of the inquiry into the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families. The report was presented to parliament and recommended both an Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and reparations. The first Sorry Day occurred exactly one year after this – on the 26th of May 1998.
- Let’s Talk Sorry Day – what action has been taken since the report? And what you can do to better understand our shared histories. Go to this link for resources for more information.
- AIATSIS – The Stolen Generation – Since colonisation, numerous government laws, policies and practices resulted in the forced removal of generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families and communities across Australia
. - Healing Foundation – Timeline of Trauma and Healing in Australia