31 March 2023
Nominations are invited for election to 3 positions on Girl Guides Victoria’s Executive Committee. These positions offer a unique opportunity to contribute your skills and experience while having a positive impact on guiding as an organisation.
Girl Guides Victoria (GGV) is governed by an Executive Committee, which consists of 9 elected members. In addition to the 9 elected members, the following are ex-officio (non-elected) members: State Commissioner, the State Commissioner elect (if there is one), Governance Chair, Treasurer, GGV’s nominee to the board of GGA and the Chief Executive Officer (non-voting).
Of the 9 elected positions, 3 positions are declared vacant every year, so there are 3 positions to be filled.
The Executive Committee requires members with a broad range of skills to provide organisational direction and oversight on governance, cultural, strategic and policy matters. Please refer to the Terms of Reference of the Executive Committee for a description of its role.
The nomination of any person as a potential elected member of the Executive Committee (the ‘Nominee’) is to be made on the Nomination Form and signed by the Nominee, the proposer and the seconder. The Nominee does not need to be a member of Girl Guides Victoria at the time of Nomination.
Any adult person who is a financial member can propose or second a nomination for a position on the Executive Committee. However, employees of Girl Guides Victoria and State Managers may not be elected members of Executive Committee.
The completed Nomination Form should be forwarded to the Returning Officer (returningofficer@guidesvic.org.au) no later than 5pm on 28 April 2023.
All Nominees should include with their nomination form a short statement, no longer than 1,000 words supporting their application. It is suggested that the statement refers to your experience and skills, and why you want to be part of the Executive Committee. Please note that a maximum of 1,000 words will be published. This statement will be circulated to members.
The Executive Committee is elected by the members of State Council. GGV State Council consists of all adult financial members of Girl Guides Victoria, as well as the State President, Vice President, members of the Executive Committee and Life Members.
Information about Nominees and instructions for voting will be sent to all members eligible on or before the 2 May 2023. Voting will be conducted electronically, and will close at 2pm 26 May 2023. The results of the election will be announced at the AGM on 27 May 2023.
If a member of State Council is unable to submit a vote electronically they may request a postal vote. This postal vote must be received by the Returning Officer at the Joyce Price Centre, Suite 812, 401 Docklands Drive, Docklands, 3008, by 2pm on 26 May 2023 being the day before the AGM. Proxy votes will not be accepted.
GGV’s Constitution and By-Laws give more detail and are available on GGV’s website:
Enquiries can be directed to the Returning Officer at returningofficer@guidesvic.org.au.